Here were the goals from last week:
1. SMART goal - read 12 newspapers this week. I am determined to get these done before Shelby turns 1 in 2 months! Yes! I'm into mid-December.
2. Get the toys organized. We had a big diaper box that we threw a bunch of them in, so it looks a bit nicer. We also decided what we need to switch around, so I would consider this a success.
3. Make a grocery list with coupons at least a day before going shopping. We didn't go shopping at all.
4. Do some active blogging and give this blog some love and attention. Slacked off on this one again.
5. Clear out some of the assorted paperwork around this house. Cleaned off the kitchen table again. Slowly making progress.
For some reason it seems when I have more things going on I'm better at getting my goals done. Let's see if I can get to the bottom of these goals this week.
Some of them were stacked in neat monthly piles...not so much anymore....
2. Put the Elks Flag Day book together.
3. Make a list of needed grocery items.
4. Get into a post-work routine.
5. Clear out some of the assorted paperwork around this house.
2. Get the toys organized. We had a big diaper box that we threw a bunch of them in, so it looks a bit nicer. We also decided what we need to switch around, so I would consider this a success.
3. Make a grocery list with coupons at least a day before going shopping. We didn't go shopping at all.
4. Do some active blogging and give this blog some love and attention. Slacked off on this one again.
5. Clear out some of the assorted paperwork around this house. Cleaned off the kitchen table again. Slowly making progress.
So this was a 3.5 out of 5. I'm calling #3 a 1/2 since I didn't go shopping.
So what are my goals for this week???
For some reason it seems when I have more things going on I'm better at getting my goals done. Let's see if I can get to the bottom of these goals this week.
1. SMART goal - read 12 newspapers this week. I am determined to get these done before Shelby turns 1 in 2 months! Here is why I want to get them caught up:
Some of them were stacked in neat monthly piles...not so much anymore....
2. Put the Elks Flag Day book together.
3. Make a list of needed grocery items.
4. Get into a post-work routine.
5. Clear out some of the assorted paperwork around this house.
You are probably wondering what a SMART goal is. It is a term I "borrowed" from Say Goodbye to Survival Mode
Ok, who is with me? Let's keep each other on track to a better year!
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are my referral links. By clicking on these links I may be compensated.
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