A blog about the grief after losing a child to Niemann Pick, Type C, a rare disease, and how I'm moving forward with my life.

Monday, April 17, 2017

It's never easy....

I know I vowed to write more. Living with a preschooler, working, and spending time with family have a way of making the time fly.

Until recently.  The first few weeks of April have been hard.  Really hard.
5 children, 1 week

Life is difficult, seeing this cluster reminded me of how difficult life can be and know much we need to just live it.

Five families need to move forward without someone.  It's times like these I am happy to be a part of the Niemann-Pick community. We all "get it" and many of us have been where these families now are.

So I ask all of you to please hold these families in your thoughts, as they will need support to get through some of the hardest days they will ever know. 


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