So what is 5 For Five? In the short form, it is 5 goals you want to achieve this week. Next week, I will report on my success (or failure).
Here were the goals from last week:
1. SMART goal - read 2 newspapers a day - that should be between 10-14 by the end of the week. I read 8 - which is exactly one week's worth. That isn't going to help me get caught up, but at least I am holding my own.
2. Finish cleaning out the expired coupons. I did a bit, but still need to do more.
3. Get Shelby on a better sleeping schedule. These incoming teeth are bothering her at night. I wrote about that here.
4. Get into a coupon pattern of a little each night so that everything is all ready before we go shopping. Never even thought of shopping this week, so didn't even think of this.
5. Do a bit more on the blog redesign. This I did. There are some small changes made this past week.
Yeah, this was a pretty bad week. But I can't meet all my goals every week, even if I really, really want to!
So what are my goals for this week???
1. SMART goal - read 2 newspapers a day - that should be between 10-14 by the end of the week. I am determined to get these done before Shelby turns 1 in 4 months!
2. Finish cleaning out the expired coupons.
3. Get into a coupon pattern of a little each night so that everything is all ready before we go shopping.
4. SMART goal - Get back into a "work prep" routine. I've been forgetting my full coffee mug (not good) or my breast milk ice pack (bearable as I have an office refrigerator).
5. Have some down time to enjoy my family.
You are probably wondering what a SMART goal is. It is a term I "borrowed" from Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More, and Restore Your Passion for Life
Ok, who is with me? Let's keep each other on track to a better year!
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are my referral links. By clicking on these links I may be compensated.
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