So what is 5 For Five? In the short form, it is 5 goals you want to achieve this week. Next week, I will report on my success (or failure).
Here were the goals from last week:
1. SMART goal - read 2 newspapers a day - that should be between 10-14 by the end of the week. Done!
2. SMART goal - clean up the pile at the top of the stairs. It's sorted into where the items need to go and gone from the steps.
3. SMART goal - Package the items I want to mail. (I'm doing this a bit at a time...) I did one package of the two. So progress is being made.
4. Finish the elks budget. Budget year starts April 1. Draft completed, which was my responsibility. Now I hand it off to the respective parties for finalizing.
5. Have a happy week. With a birthday, how could I not??? (Yes, I made this one easy.)
Even with a baby with ahead cold, I did pretty good!
So what are my goals for this week??? I have a day off this week, so hopefully I can do a bunch of these.
1. SMART goal - Prewrite 3 blog posts.
2. SMART goal - read 2 newspapers a day - that should be between 10-14 by the end of the week.
3. Print some Shelby pictures to send to my Grandma since she is not "wired".
4. Create at least 1 Shutterfly book. I have a free coupon code that expires this week.
5. Finish the Elks brochure contest.
You are probably wondering what a SMART goal is. It is a term I "borrowed" from Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More, and Restore Your Passion for Life
Ok, who is with me? Let's keep each other on track to a better year!
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are my referral links. By clicking on these links I may be compensated.
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