A blog about the grief after losing a child to Niemann Pick, Type C, a rare disease, and how I'm moving forward with my life.

Monday, June 30, 2014

5 For Five - June 30

So what is 5 For Five? In the short form, it is 5 goals you want to achieve this week. Next week, I will report on my success (or failure).

Here were the goals from last week:

1. SMART goal - read 12 newspapers this week. I did this and more!
2. Put the Elks Flag Day book together. Nope. It has to be done this coming week.
3. SMART goal - Write and schedule 3 posts for the next 2 weeks. I scheduled the other 2 posts for last week. I have two more that need a bit of final editing for next week.
4. Mail out 3 packages. Done.
5. Catch the early bus to work every morning. I caught the bus I wanted 2 of 4 days.

So this was a 3.5 out of 5. Not bad. I'm starting small again to get my motivation back.

So what are my goals for this week???

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Flag Day Pictures

June 14 was Flag Day. Flag Day is one of those "forgotten" holidays. But for Elks, Flag Day is an important day. It is one of those days that all Elks need to recognize.

If you are near an Elks lodge on June 14, please see the Flag Day Ceremony. It is a public ceremony. The Ceremony details the history of the flag and what it means.

In 1907, the BPOE Grand Lodge designated by resolution June 14 as Flag Day. The Grand Lodge of the Order adopted mandatory observance of the occasion by every Lodge in 1911, and that requirement continues. The Elks prompted President Woodrow Wilson to recognize the Order's observance of Flag Day for its patriotic expression.

For more information about Flag Day, you can read the Elks brochure here.

Here are some pictures of this year's ceremony from our Elks Lodge, which took place in the Veteran's Park near the Lodge.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Enjoying Summer

This weekend was the first day of summer and it was absolutely perfect outside. Here is how we spent part of the afternoon. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

5 For Five - June 23

So what is 5 For Five? In the short form, it is 5 goals you want to achieve this week. Next week, I will report on my success (or failure).

Here were the goals from last week:

1. SMART goal - read 12 newspapers this week. I am determined to get these done before Shelby turns 1 in 2 months! Yes, plus some! I've started reading January.
2. Put the Elks Flag Day book together. Nope.
3. Make a list of needed grocery items. Hubby made a list.
4. Get into a post-work routine. I am getting into a new habit so I don't aimlessly walk around the house when I get home.
5. Clear out some of the assorted paperwork around this house. I did do a little bit.

So this was a 4 out of 5.  

So what are my goals for this week???

Monday, June 16, 2014

5 for Five - June 16

So what is 5 For Five? In the short form, it is 5 goals you want to achieve this week. Next week, I will report on my success (or failure).

Here were the goals from last week:

1. SMART goal - read 12 newspapers this week. I am determined to get these done before Shelby turns 1 in 2 months! Yes! I'm into mid-December.
2. Get the toys organized. We had a big diaper box that we threw a bunch of them in, so it looks a bit nicer. We also decided what we need to switch around, so I would consider this a success.
3. Make a grocery list with coupons at least a day before going shopping. We didn't go shopping at all.
4. Do some active blogging and give this blog some love and attention. Slacked off on this one again.
5. Clear out some of the assorted paperwork around this house. Cleaned off the kitchen table again. Slowly making progress.

So this was a 3.5 out of 5.  I'm calling #3 a 1/2 since I didn't go shopping.

So what are my goals for this week???

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Getting Our Story Out

In the past few weeks, there have been a few articles written about those with Niemann Pick Disease, Type C.

Given its status as a rare disease, there isn't much information out in the public unless families are able to get a little attention as a result of a fundraiser.

Both of these articles, as well as other information, are not related directly to one particular fundraiser.

Monday, June 9, 2014

5 For Five - June 9

So what is 5 For Five? In the short form, it is 5 goals you want to achieve this week. Next week, I will report on my success (or failure).

Here were the goals from last week:

1. SMART goal - read 12 newspapers this week. I am determined to get these done before Shelby turns 1 in less than about 2 months! No. I read 8. Not too bad, but not where I wanted to.
2. Find her some new toys. We have plenty in the house, just need to get them out.We found some new toys, thanks to hubby.
3. Make a grocery list with coupons at least a day before going shopping. We didn't do a big shopping trip, but I was organized when we went to the store, so I will consider this one a success.
4. Do some active blogging and give this blog some love and attention. I thought about it. Does that count?
5. Clear out some of the assorted paperwork around this house. Nope. Actually it got a little worse.

So this was a 2.5 out of 5.  This was an okay week. I really need to get back on track.

So what are my goals for this week???

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Finding Joy in the middle of the night

Shelby is teething.  She has two bottom teeth now and the top teeth are on their way in.

But as any mom knows, teething can be rougher on the parents than the teething kid.  You can hope for the best, but, guaranteed, you will have a few miserable sleepless nights.

We are no exception. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

There are many link ups for Wordless Wednesday's - where a picture is supposed to say it all.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

5 For Five- June 2

It's June??!!

So what is 5 For Five? In the short form, it is 5 goals you want to achieve this week. Next week, I will report on my success (or failure).

Here were the goals from last week:

1. SMART goal - read 12 newspapers this week. I am determined to get these done before Shelby turns 1 in 3 months! I'm mid way through November, so I'm making progress...  Done! I finished November!
2. Work on the blog - redesign, scheduling posts, etc. Nope.
3. Go though the toy bins for Shelby. Nope.
4. Get some Elks thing done. Yes!
5. Get rid of some more of the clutter. Nope.

So this was a 2 out of 5.  Not good. Really need to get back on track.

So what are my goals for this week???